Living by new standards
Text: Ephesians 4:22-31
In our text today, Paul is urging his readers to live a new life as Childrens of the light rather than darkness. The apostle was concerned that people should be changed in their lives as well as in their hearts.
“Living by New Standards” That is what every Christian must do. The moral standards in the world today just like in Ephesus are at an alarming low level, Alcohol, drugs, unfaithfulness, and injustice are the order of the day.
Today’s devotion reminds us that we are “called to a New Life”. Paul is careful to define what the new life is.
The self-willed, self-centered selfish self. The “old man” (KJV), or “old self”(NIV) is that part of us that wants to have its own way rather than letting God have His way. It leads us into sin and, if not restrained, into total immoral living.
So it must be “put off” The verb here means to put off “ as one puts off clothes” The “old man” is in a condition of advancing destruction or ruin, and, therefore, should all the more be “put off”
“and to put on the new self,” created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. The ‘new man’ is in contrast with the ‘old man’ and represents the new assemblage of holy principles and desires which have a unity of origin, and a common result of operation. It is not enough to live righteous lives. We must have holiness of heart and mind toward God. The “new self” is submissive to God’s will.
Paul then discusses some of the details of the old living that must be put off. They include falsehood (v. 25), stealing (v. 28), unwholesome talk (v.29), bitterness, (31) etc.